

策驰影视第一时间收录《节假日》The Festival,节假日 The Festival并提供免费在线观看。《节假日》上映于 2018年,是一部英国制片出品,的剧情片,对白语言为英语。
When Nick's girlfriend dumps him at graduation, he has a colossal meltdown in front of the entire university. He's convinced his life is over, but his best mate Shane has the perfect solution: three days at an epic music festival. With the help of "festival aficionado" and certified oddball Amy, Shane tries to get Nick to embrace the music, the mayhem and the mud. From the creators of the Inbetweeners comes The Festival, a movie about friendship, growing up, and going mad in a field.策驰影视不参与《节假日》的影视资源制作、录制、上传与存储,当前播放线路分别由网络资源网采集。有关《节假日》的后续高清完整版本资源会陆续放出,敬请关注。

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莉莉·詹姆斯 乔·基瑞 阿尔芭·罗尔瓦赫尔 威廉·达福 Sofia Panizzi 卡门·波梅拉 Giovanni Moschella Enzo Casertano Michele Bravi Eric Alexander 丽贝卡·安托纳奇 保罗·布彻 朱塞佩·布鲁内蒂 加布里埃尔·法斯塔 Silvia Fantoni Marco Gambino Antonino Macaluso Anna Manuelli Giulio Maroncelli Michele Melega


阿塔斯卡梅尔卡多 黛莎·加西亚 马克·莫拉莱斯 Horace Mendoza
